Mobile phone base stations
Mobile phone base stations
Satellite transmission stations
Satellite transmission stations
Broadcasting stations
Broadcasting stations
TETRA Networks
TETRA Networks
Special products
Special products
TRC, a company of Calzavara Group, si propone come partner affidabile per la progettazione, l'installazione e la manutenzione di infrastrutture di telecomunicazioni, offrendo un servizio completo, di alta qualità e customizzato all'esigenze del cliente.
Our strengths
- Experience: Founded in 1979 and now part of the Calzavara Group, TRC boasts over forty years of experience in the maintenance and installation of telecommunications infrastructures.
- Expertise: In-depth knowledge of telecommunications network equipment and installations.
- Efficiency: Organisation structured to guarantee maximum effectiveness in technical interventions.
- Preparation: Team composed of professionals certified in the management of telecommunications networks.
- Technology: Ampia gamma di mezzi, attrezzature e strumentazione di proprietà per garantire l'esecuzione tempestiva dei servizi.
- Capillary presence: Operational locations throughout Northern Italy, including Turin, Oglianico (TO), Genoa, Cavenago di Brianza (MI), Noventa Padovana (PD) and Basiliano (UD), enabling it to provide a responsive service over a wide geographical area.
- Customer focus: Capacità di offrire soluzioni custom che rispondano in modo preciso alle esigenze specifiche di ogni cliente.
- Innovation: Orientamento all’innovazione come approccio strategico per promuovere costantemente il cambiamento, la creatività e l’adattamento come strumenti chiave per rimanere competitivi in un mercato in continua evoluzione..
We work with...

➜ Collaudo e messa in funzione
➜ Manutenzione preventiva e correttiva
➜ Gestione Scorte e Riparazioni
➜ Realizzazione piccole opere civili
➜ Collaudo e messa in funzione
➜ Manutenzione preventiva e correttiva
➜ Gestione Scorte e Riparazioni
➜ Collaudo e messa in funzione
➜ Manutenzione preventiva e correttiva
➜ Gestione Scorte e Riparazioni
➜ Collaudo e messa in funzione
➜ Manutenzione preventiva e correttiva
➜ Gestione Scorte e Riparazioni
➜ Sistemi di condizionamento
➜ Sistemi di raffrescamento
➜ Stazioni di energia e batterie
➜ Inverter/UPS
➜ Quadri Bassa Tensione
➜ Sistemi di Video-sorveglianza
References, projects and collaborations
Collaborated with Eitowers in the maintenance and installation of their networks for the Piedmont region with the installation, activation and maintenance of the respective network.
Collaborated with RAI Way per manutenzione e riparazione di impianti ed apparecchiature ricetrasmittenti sulla rete Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta.
Collaborated directly with the State Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza sectors: installation and maintenance of the relevant radio networks.
It deals with maintenance and realisations in OTE-Selex ES for the realisation of infrastructures with supplies and installations dedicated to the Police Forces in Northern Italy, and for the DAPNET networks of the Ministry of Justice.
It collaborates in the implementation of the CRUN network for fire brigades, within SELEX, installing infrastructure, antennas and equipment from the Viminale headquarters to all relevant regions in northern Italy.
Is engaged in various infrastructure and equipment installations in the regions of Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy and Tuscany.
Since 2010, he has been collaborating on the 2010 preventive and corrective maintenance of the Isoradio network within AUTOSTRADE S.p.A. - ASPI network targeting equipment, antennas and optical interfaces.
It qualifies as an official supplier for equipment.
The assignments also concern other areas related to radio coverage of services.
Since 2013, 24/7 maintenance management of the Tetra PIT1 Piemonte network
With Leonardo S.p.A., it realised sites for the expansion of the TETRA PIT2 Piedmont network by setting up more than 70 new stations including the CDS part, CC, PS, GDF operations rooms and many rural sites both BS and PR.
Engaged in the implementation of the Cortina and Venice network upgrade for the G20 economy event, with the deployment of BS sites and operations rooms.
From 2023: maintenance for Leonardo Interforce North area network; collaboration on research and development project with Politecnico di Torino in the field of energy production from renewable sources using Hydrogen and Fuel Cell systems for low-power portable applications serving TLC.
Engaged in the implementation of the Cortina and Venice network upgrade for the G20 economy event, with the deployment of BS sites and operations rooms.
The Calzavara Group

TLC - Telecommunications infrastructure and mobile networks
- Poles and towers for mobile telephony
- Design structures for telecommunications
- Mast masking poles
- Masking solutions
- Roof-top solutions
- Cell on Wheels and Transportable Radio Base Stations
- Engineering services for upgrade, retrofit and maintenance

SMS - Video surveillance, city security, smart city and smart road solutions
- Video surveillance and security
- Access Management Systems
- NGI Infrastructures for the Smart City
- Installation, testing and maintenance service for telecommunications systems (TRC Srl)
- A.I. systems for transforming images into metadata in real time (Lightspeed Srl)

TLC - Telecommunications infrastructure and mobile networks

SMS - Video sorveglianza, sicurezza cittadina e soluzioni per smart city

OLE - Soluzioni per la segnalazione luminosa di strutture verticali ed eliporti


N. 2116QM
Settore IAF 28

N. 20252
Expiry date 17.02.2029

OS 19 - classification III

SOA (Calzavara spa)
OG 1 – classifica V
OG 9 – classifica V
OS 5 – classifica II
OS 18A – classifica V
OS 19 – classifica V
OS 30 – classifica III bis

OGLIANICO (Torino) - Via del Maglio Antico 10
- Operative Headquarters
- Repair workshops
- Main warehouse
TORINO - Via Villar Focchiardo 5
- Head Office
- Territorial operational headquarters for Liguria
- Territorial operational headquarters for Lombardy and Trentino
- Territorial operational headquarters for Veneto and Trentino
- Territorial operational headquarters for Friuli and Trentino
- Territorial operational headquarters for Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany

OGLIANICO (Torino) - Via del Maglio Antico 10
- Operative Headquarters
- Repair workshops
- Main warehouse
TORINO - Via Villar Focchiardo 5
- Head Office
- Territorial operational headquarters for Liguria
- Territorial operational headquarters for Lombardy and Trentino
- Territorial operational headquarters for Veneto and Trentino
- Territorial operational headquarters for Friuli and Trentino
- Territorial operational headquarters for Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany
Maintenance and installation of telecommunications networks.
- +39 0124 77698
Operative Headquarters
Oglianico (TO) - via del Maglio Antico 10 -
Head Office
Torino - via Villar Focchiardo 5